Thursday, December 31, 2009

OK to sing carols?

When Charlotte York, a character from the HBO television series "Sex and the City," converted to Judaism, she poignantly said farewell to her Christianity by decorating a final Christmas tree -- in July.

For many real-life converts to Judaism, the December holiday season brings both joy found in their new religious traditions and nostalgia for their old ones.

Monday, December 21, 2009

A Jewish gag's journey to the 'Tonight Show'

Late-night television audiences have come to expect zany song-and-dance numbers from Conan O’Brien’s “The Tonight Show,” but the show’s recent Mormon Christmas send-up actually had its roots in an unusual place: an offline brainstorming session among progressive Jewish bloggers.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Girl talk, pearls of wisdom

“The CEO of what?” asked my friend Stewart, when I told him I was looking forward to an event in Washington honoring, among others, Laurie Ann Goldman, the chief executive officer of Spanx, Inc.

He didn’t get my enthusiasm.

Goldman’s innovative hosiery and undergarment company needed little introduction at the Jewish Women International's 12th annual Women to Watch gala Monday afternoon at the Hilton Washington.